Thursday 12 January 2012

About This Blog: Why I'm finding some perspective in 2012

When I sit down and take stock, my life is pretty superb. So why am I feeling so bloody 'blah' about this seemingly perfect life?

I have an inkling I feel the same as many of my fellow 'thirty something' ex-travelers. While we now have it all on paper - fantastic husband, super cute dog, great family and friends, good job, living in a gorgeous city - the daily grind of life without the excitement of regular travel is taking the spring out of my step (to say the least).

In my case, I'm still struggling to adapt to life in Sydney after six years in the UK and 18 months traveling the globe. It was always going to be a tough adjustment. I miss jumping on a train and arriving in Paris two hours later. I miss cheap and easy weekend breaks in the Mediterranean and I really miss shopping.

But enough of the whining, 2012 is the time for change. I've need to start appreciating the good things in my life and taking more enjoyment from them. I don't want to be that person who wakes up one day in a shitty situation wishing life was like it use to the life right now I am not appreciating. And so, The Perspective Project was born. 
Every day for the next year I am going to take a picture or find an image that represents something that has made me smile that day. The purpose of the exercise is to be more aware of the great things around me and take more pleasure in today, instead of wishing for something better tomorrow. I also want to laugh more.
I snapped the first picture on 23rd December 2011...and so the project begins!

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